After executing the domain upgrade script, overwrite the JDK path for each file within the domain directory. When using a JDK other than the one that comes with 8.1 SP2 (Sun JDK, JRockit, etc.), the path of the JDK used as the domain must be changed manually.Within $WLHOME\integration\upgrade\domain_upgrade\domain_upgrade.properties with
When performing the domain upgrade and using JRockit 1.4.1_06 as a patch for SP2, it is necessary to modify a portion of the property file in advance. If the system being used does not have a True Type font, the user must add one in advance. In Korean, the font set is ngulim.ttf, and so on. * In the example, the simplified Chinese font is set to simhei.ttf. XercesImpl.jar C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\xalan.jar .apps.TTFReader C: In traditional Chinese, "SimSun" is set to minliu.ttc, and so on. In simplified Chinese, "SimSun" is set to simsun.ttc. * In the example, the Japanese font "MS Gothic" is set to msgothic.ttc. TTFReader -ttcname"MS Gothic" C:\Windows\Fonts\msgothic.ttc msgothic.xml XercesImpl.jar C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\xalan.jar .apps. % java -cp C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\fop.jar C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\Īvalon-framework.jar C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\xml-apis.jar C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\ Create the metrics file under the fop directory using .apps.TTFReader.

For simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese, it is "SimSun". * For Japanese, the font-triplet's name attribute "Gothic" is fixed. For simplified Chinese, the font is simsun.ttc.įor traditional Chinese, the font is minliu.ttc, and so on. * In the example above, the font is set to msgothic.ttc in the embed-file attribute.įor Korean, the font is gulim.ttc. The same as the actual XML file name created in the next step. * It is necessary to make the XML filename for the metrics-file attribute * Correct the directory path in accordance with the system environment.

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